The Tokyo Xtreme Racer series moves from Japan's nighttime highways to its steep and winding mountains in this budget release for PlayStation 2. Featuring licensed vehicles from auto manufacturers Nissan, Toyota, Suburu, Alfa Romeo, Mini, Volkswagen, Audi, and more, Xtreme Racer Drift has players testing their driving prowess in such authentic venues as Rokko, Haruna, Iroha, and Hakone. Both day and night driving are available, with officially sanctioned races taking place during the afternoon and competitive racing for car parts occurring at night. Success in the mountain races will lead to increased earnings and sponsorship deals, with each vehicle customizable in a number of areas. Players will compete in uphill and downhill races, experience variable weather, and engage in head-to-head battles against the computer or a friend.
PLAYERS: 1-2 Players
GENRE: Racing
RATING: E-Everyone