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Final Fantasy VII (PS1)

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Square's Final Fantasy series makes its 32-bit debut with Final Fantasy VII, a role-playing game blending 3D polygonal characters, pre-rendered backgrounds, and animated cut-scenes across three discs. Lead protagonist Cloud Strife's memory is as murky as the quality of life in the city of Midgar, where a resistance movement named Avalanche targets the apparent source of the problem: the Shin-Ra Electric Power Company. Cloud will join Avalanche as he seeks to piece together his past, kicking off an adventure spanning three continents. Cloud will intersect with an assortment of characters along the way, including a mysterious, silver-haired adversary named Sephiroth.

Gameplay is divided into three distinct phases: travel across a world map; exploration from a close-up view of an area; and a 3D battle screen that pits your party against the enemy. Enemy encounters employ a turn-based, active time-battle system, where players decide to attack, use items, or cast magic within a short window of time. A crystal-like energy source called materia can be found in your travels and attached to equipment, granting characters access to new skills or the ability to summon powerful creatures. Your party consists of three heroes selected from a potential pool of nine. In addition to the main quest, you can participate in mini-games ranging from snowboarding and boxing to creature breeding and arm wrestling.



PLAYERS: 1 Player