“Help! Help!” echos a mysterious voice. Mickey Mouse, the famous world explorer, has heard the cries of one of his friends and he’s off on a rescue mission. This adventure starts in a zany Fun House. Join Mickey and Minnie as they turn it inside out looking for their Missing friend. A mischievous creature may fly off with Minnie, and you’ll have to get her back. Now that Minnie is safe, you must help our heroes make it across a vast ocean – on foot! Even the feisty flying fish can’t stop Mickey from his search, but what about the cantankerous crocodile waiting at the shore? Next, the deep dark woods await our heroes. Mickey and Minnie visit all four seasons in this fantastic forest while dealing with poisonous plants and perilous predators. What’s this? A pirate ship manned by the dreaded pirate Peg leg Pete! Help out heroes climb up and down the mast and go deep into the bowels of the ship. Help Mickey defeat Pirate Pete. The last place to look is a mysterious medieval castle. You help Mickey and Minnie wind through the maze of chambers, defeating mad monsters as you go. Enter the world of fantasy, mystery and excitement with Mickey and Minnie as you solve the mystery of Mickey’s missing friend.
PLAYERS: 1 Player
GENRE: Action, Platform
RATING: E-Everyone