Notable for being the first Zelda game launched with a Nintendo platform, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for Wii is an enhanced version of the GameCube title with a new control scheme. Players guide the elfin Link with both the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers as he fights to save Hyrule from a shadowy new threat, one that has cast a crippling darkness over the once vibrant land and its surrounding areas. Link has a few new powers up his tunic's sleeve, however, as he can transform into a wolf with the help of a mysterious animal friend named Midna.
Familiar elements from previous Zelda games have made the transition to Twilight Princess, albeit with new twists afforded by the motion-sensor controls. As players explore puzzle-filled dungeons, they will shake, point, pull back, and tilt their controllers to throw boomerangs, fire arrows, launch a hookshot, swing a sword, and more. Link can even continue his battles on horseback, running at full gallop into packs of mounted enemies. Twilight Princess also includes several optional mini-games, from canoeing to herding to fishing. The latter has players flicking the Wii Remote to cast the line and then jerking it back to reel the fish in.
PLAYERS: 1 Player
GENRE: Action & Adventure