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MegaMan Battle Network 3: White Version (GBA)

SKU: GBA-MegaManBN3W-22
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    The year is 200X. Doctor Wily has reformed the evil organization WWW (World Three) and now seeks to release Alpha, a prototype version of the Internet that went berserk after becoming corrupted by bugs and was locked away before the current Net was set up. To release it, Wily needs the passwords, referred to in-game as TetraCodes, to the firewalls Alpha is trapped behind, which are hidden in secret locations.

    • Travel with Mega.EXE, Lan and their friends as they travel through real & virtual worlds
    • Interact with new characters and fight against tougher bosses as you collect Battle Chips
    • Navi Customizer lets players create the Megaman they've always wanted



            PLAYERS: 1-2 Players

            GENRE: RPG

            RATING: E-Everyone

            RELEASE YEAR: 2003